1.   Kikuyu farmers had traditionally farmed several plots which were within easy walking distance but had different characteristics of altitude and soil type.

2.   Land here is so dry that threshing grounds and farming plots that were precariously terraced into the mountainside have crumbled away.

3.   They also farm communal plots to feed widows, orphans and the disabled.

4.   Clearing infested land is especially important in a nation where three-quarters of the population lives in the countryside farming small plots.

5.   Like their victims, they spoke the Maya language Tzotzil and farmed subsistence plots of land.

6.   Most victims were subsistence farmers, who often farm a plot of land in exchange for rent.

v. + plot >>共 339
foil 6.31%
uncover 5.61%
hatch 4.40%
have 3.00%
mastermind 2.60%
buy 2.50%
sell 2.10%
discover 2.10%
thwart 1.80%
carry 1.40%
farm 0.60%
farm + n. >>共 169
land 7.87%
community 7.28%
area 3.94%
method 3.35%
practice 3.15%
family 3.15%
technique 2.76%
district 2.56%
subsidy 2.36%
village 2.17%
plot 1.18%
每页显示:    共 6