1.   European farm ministers disagree among themselves.

2.   Her job had been made a little easier by the price-fixing agreement reached at a recent meeting for European farm ministers.

3.   And, in line with the avowed aim of the British farm minister, John Gummer, Mr Steichen pledged himself to reducing agricultural bureaucracy.

4.   Brussels even has a farm minister, though it has only one identifiable farm.

5.   By offering to buy up beef during the month of April, the European Union was clearly under pressure from farm ministers to assuage their constituents.

6.   EU farm ministers will decide on how to spend the money by June, Fischler said.

7.   European farm ministers rejected a proposal to revamp European Union farm subsidies, saying cuts in guaranteed prices would hurt their national industries, EU officials said.

8.   If the veterinarians fail to come to a clear decision, the matter will be referred to EU farm ministers, probably at their meeting in March.

9.   Since Hwang defected, North Korea has replaced its prime minister, while two top military leaders died in quick succession and the farm minister was also reportedly replaced.

10.   After three days of talks, EU farm ministers set a basic limit of eight hours for live animal transports.

n. + minister >>共 183
finance 17.54%
defense 16.27%
government 8.91%
deputy 7.85%
justice 4.17%
defence 3.91%
trade 3.30%
health 2.58%
oil 2.39%
agriculture 1.94%
farm 0.83%
farm + n. >>共 589
worker 6.86%
bill 5.01%
animal 4.86%
system 4.58%
subsidy 3.91%
product 3.14%
program 2.54%
field 2.15%
minister 2.09%
land 2.01%
每页显示:    共 121