1.   Finally, they could contribute to the farm income by running their own tourist enterprise.

2.   The main farming activity was livestock production so that two-thirds of the total farm income derived from livestock.

3.   The main problem in economic terms is that net farm incomes are substantially lower than for other farm enterprises and types.

4.   Urban calls for a tax on farm income were ignored, although Aziz did announce the taxation under certain conditions of military and police welfare foundations.

5.   Both the French government and French farming unions traditionally favoured linking farm incomes mainly to prices rather than to social handouts.

6.   In the old days, we used to be able to fund the house from farm income.

7.   Analysts said the subsidy guarantees probably will boost farm income this year on top of record-high prices being posted this spring in the grain markets.

8.   As a result, the farmers contend, they lost potential farm income, and sometimes, their farms.

9.   At a joint press conference with EPA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said the plan would increase farm income and create jobs in rural America.

10.   Both tout support for export programs and access to free markets, a linchpin for farm income.

n. + income >>共 270
interest 13.58%
investment 10.93%
retirement 5.97%
rental 5.16%
fee 5.09%
farm 4.68%
premium 2.78%
commission 2.04%
year 2.04%
dividend 2.04%
farm + n. >>共 589
worker 6.86%
bill 5.01%
animal 4.86%
system 4.58%
subsidy 3.91%
product 3.14%
program 2.54%
field 2.15%
minister 2.09%
land 2.01%
income 1.18%
每页显示:    共 69