1.   Also, you took your wife to a baseball fantasy camp on your honeymoon.

2.   Braves camp played out like a fantasy camp for golfer Tiger Woods on Wednesday.

3.   Cosmo Kramer got into a scuffle with Mickey Mantle at a fantasy camp.

4.   Earlier today Bulls owner Jerry Reinsdorf returned to Chicago from Las Vegas, where Jordan is running a fantasy basketball camp.

5.   Fantasy camps and exhibitions put on by Ghost Players teams wearing old Chicago White Sox uniforms more than doubled those numbers in subsequent years.

6.   For the past two summers, Jordan has employed NBA referees at his annual fantasy camp in Las Vegas.

7.   He can go to a baseball fantasy camp, shoot halftime free throws for trips to Hawaii, handle the Super Bowl coin toss.

8.   It brings together hundreds of outdoor-vacation ideas from baseball fantasy camps to covered-wagon trains.

9.   Is it true you punched out Mickey Mantle at fantasy camp?

10.   It was a sudden end for a baseball hero whose second career, running fantasy baseball camps and signing autographs, had become more lucrative than his first.

n. + camp >>共 500
refugee 44.93%
labor 5.81%
death 5.80%
summer 5.63%
detention 3.90%
army 2.68%
rebel 2.03%
tent 1.47%
transit 1.16%
internment 1.05%
fantasy 0.33%
fantasy + n. >>共 267
world 14.02%
league 5.05%
life 4.67%
game 4.67%
camp 3.41%
sequence 3.41%
land 3.03%
baseball 2.40%
owner 2.15%
team 2.02%
每页显示:    共 27