1.   But Fidel Castro is known for contrariness concerning the embargo, which he has used for decades to fan resentment against Washington.

2.   But it also seemed to fan resentment of Carter and his activities here even among those whose political fortunes are not directly tied to Aristide.

3.   But that seems only to have fanned popular resentment of the corporation once known as the United Fruit Co., which still maintains its Honduran headquarters here.

4.   Failure to take Russia and China into account will fan dangerous resentments and drive them away from Washington and toward each other.

5.   These resentments have been fanned by the fact that the haredim, because of their huge families and relative poverty, pay few taxes.

6.   But strict security policies mainly meant to contain Hamas could backfire by fanning popular resentment against the Palestinian Authority.

7.   Hamas has asked the Palestinian Authority for permission to stage the event, but a top official from the group suggested that forbidding it would fan resentment against Arafat.

8.   The disparities have fanned black resentment.

9.   The killing also fanned the resentment by an increasing number of Cypriots of the presence on the island of British sovereign bases.

10.   Police claimed the group had infiltrated industrial plants to fan class resentment and instigate violent labor disputes with the aim of subverting the government.

v. + resentment >>共 175
cause 8.26%
express 6.28%
harbor 6.12%
fuel 5.79%
feel 4.30%
stir 4.13%
breed 3.47%
create 3.47%
spark 2.15%
fan 1.82%
fan + n. >>共 204
flame 21.15%
concern 5.51%
fear 5.26%
tension 5.13%
speculation 3.50%
fire 2.63%
violence 2.13%
expectation 1.75%
sentiment 1.75%
inflation 1.75%
resentment 1.38%
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