1.   Excuse me for needing this spelt out, but does this mean that Leeds fans can now just pay at the door to stand at away games.

2.   And now, Mavericks fans can no longer laugh about Bradley awkwardly trying to become a dominant offensive threat.

3.   But his fans cannot or will not digest the news.

4.   But that was about all Mets fans could cheer as Tom Glavine threw darts on the black of the plate and gave up nothing.

5.   But the fans can.

6.   But this was Obnoxious, as in, capital O. Boozy fans can occasionally be funny.

7.   But when life was simpler and the world of major-league baseball was smaller, many fans could not.

8.   Sharks fans can ... and will.

9.   Small monitors in every seat on which fans can view instant replays or call up statistics.

10.   The site has more stats, news and features than any one fan could possibly absorb.

n. + can >>共 1462
people 2.11%
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man 1.22%
government 1.04%
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official 0.71%
parent 0.66%
word 0.63%
child 0.63%
fan 0.51%
fan + v. >>共 804
be 13.60%
have 4.19%
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