1.   Both families are staying close, supporting each other through their ordeal.

2.   Although Griffey Sr., spent eight of his years in the majors with the Yankees and the Braves, he insisted that his family stay in Cincinnati.

3.   And because there is so much income churning in the land of abundance, few families stay at the bottom or the top for very long.

4.   And yet, some families are also staying behind because they feel that it is the right thing to do.

5.   And when they are killed or kill him no one understands at all how that happened because after all family values say that families should stay together.

6.   As long as she holds the stones, she believes, her family will stay together and survive.

7.   As the kids grew older, family meetings were called whenever tensions mounted, and the whole family often stayed up late into the night to iron out differences.

8.   At the time of the crash, the first family was staying across the street at Blair House to enable the completion of renovations at the White House.

9.   A narrator explains how the law enables families to stay home with a sick or newborn child without losing their jobs.

10.   Advocates for the poor denounced the proposal for making it too difficult for truly needy families to stay on welfare.

n. + stay >>共 1988
people 3.46%
team 2.11%
investor 1.99%
family 1.55%
player 1.49%
troop 1.36%
child 1.28%
price 1.14%
man 1.14%
worker 1.09%
family + v. >>共 624
be 13.06%
have 6.05%
say 5.70%
live 3.78%
move 3.20%
take 1.26%
receive 1.20%
come 1.18%
own 1.17%
go 1.11%
stay 0.67%
每页显示:    共 134