1.   The file was altered to falsify the evidence.

2.   -- Any accusations of mishandling, tampering with, or falsifying evidence.

3.   Fuhrman also said on the tapes he was willing to falsify evidence against black defendants.

4.   In addition, officers in a special drug force were reassigned last year after local prosecutors accused them of falsifying evidence.

5.   Now three detailed examinations of the charges say journalist Patrick Tierney has committed major errors, falsified his evidence and ignored relevant documents that did not support his charges.

6.   Philadelphia has been rocked by revelations in judicial proceedings that officers routinely beat up suspects and falsified evidence.

7.   Prosecutors said they had a strong case both that Kozlowski had evaded taxes and that he had falsified evidence to hide the evasion.

8.   Rossi is accused of falsifying evidence.

9.   She said they falsified evidence and lied in court.

10.   When that failed, Panama revived what appears to be a spurious case against him for defaming a government official and falsifying evidence.

v. + evidence >>共 329
find 14.12%
have 11.88%
provide 6.86%
give 4.75%
present 4.02%
see 3.49%
offer 3.22%
produce 2.94%
gather 2.88%
show 2.26%
falsify 0.11%
falsify + n. >>共 96
document 24.87%
record 16.28%
report 8.59%
result 5.19%
information 3.94%
account 2.50%
evidence 2.50%
passport 2.15%
book 1.97%
paper 1.61%
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