1.   Bush stressed his interest in winning re-election as governor this fall before formally considering a bid for national office.

2.   Campaigning for governor last fall, Wilson promised he would not run for president.

3.   Only Nebraska, without a race for governor this fall, is certain to have a Democratic governor next year.

4.   The governors that fall into the tax cutting group received an A, while those on the opposite end of the spectrum received an F.

5.   Those are the two pocketbook issues that have dominated the campaign debate for months and have helped make the race for New Jersey governor this fall a close contest.

6.   He succeeded Gov. Roger Wilson, the former lieutenant governor who became governor last fall after Gov. Mel Carnahan died in an airplane crash.

7.   The Louisiana race is one of three for governor this fall.

8.   The seat is currently help by Democratic Rep. Bob Wise, who is running for governor this fall.

n. + governor >>共 110
deputy 36.81%
bank 8.20%
prison 4.47%
two-term 3.87%
school 3.58%
opposition 2.98%
woman 2.38%
district 2.38%
year 2.38%
province 1.94%
fall 1.19%
fall + n. >>共 1382
season 5.11%
election 4.09%
campaign 3.48%
harvest 1.89%
schedule 1.87%
collection 1.72%
show 1.68%
semester 1.33%
day 1.18%
color 1.11%
governor 0.15%
每页显示:    共 8