1.   As the production of automobiles by domestic manufacturers fell due to foreign competition, Ramsey lost orders.

2.   Short-term liquidity refers to the ability of the firm to meet its current obligations as they fall due.

3.   Under an informal family arrangement they paid the mortgage instalments falling due under the local authority mortgage.

4.   The move is needed to secure profitability which has fallen due to world-wide over capacity in uranium enrichment.

5.   The investment of surplus cash can be a complex process, as the funds must be available to meet commitments as they fall due.

6.   Also night lights for the bathroom and stairwell, which would help prevent many trips and falls due to poor visibility.

7.   At the same time, trade union membership has been falling due to structural changes such as the growth in service industries.

8.   - Capitalized interest on deposits must be recorded separately from the principal and booked when it fall due for payment rather than distributing it amongst different periods.

9.   Capitalized interest on deposits must be recorded separately from the principal and booked when it fall due for payment rather than distributing it amongst different periods.

v. + due >>共 16
be 98.79%
fall 0.47%
die 0.24%
grow 0.07%
become 0.07%
stay 0.07%
appear 0.04%
seem 0.04%
go 0.04%
remain 0.03%
fall + a. >>共 194
asleep 22.05%
short 18.12%
ill 13.76%
further 9.09%
silent 8.60%
flat 3.56%
hard 2.28%
due 1.87%
sick 1.82%
unconscious 1.39%
每页显示:    共 85