1.   A laser transmitted faint light signals to an electronic detector.

2.   Astronomers need much longer observation times and a constant altitude to pick up faint signals or observe rare events.

3.   Baseball fans of Cuba put their radios on window ledges and tinkered with antennae in an effort to pick up a faint signal from Miami.

4.   Ever since, a main SETI strategy has been to wield increasingly big radiotelescopes, their size allowing them to gather increasingly faint signals.

5.   In full swing, the project is expected to increase by about tenfold the power to detect faint signals, said project scientist Daniel Werthimer of Berkeley.

6.   Its faint signal is still being tracked for a study of chaos theory.

7.   Like a radioactive hot spot, the lobby emitted faint signals, and she pricked up her ears.

8.   Since the satellite signal is vastly stronger than the very faint signals from celestial objects, the latter are in danger of being swamped.

9.   The faint signals of memorized codes were among the few that slaves had power to send across the generations.

a. + signal >>共 716
mixed 10.31%
digital 6.36%
clear 4.64%
conflicting 4.09%
warning 3.41%
wrong 2.65%
strong 2.62%
electrical 2.15%
electronic 2.02%
positive 1.39%
faint 0.46%
faint + n. >>共 296
hope 6.55%
smile 5.76%
praise 4.18%
sound 3.28%
smell 3.28%
glow 2.60%
sign 2.49%
signal 1.92%
light 1.69%
voice 1.69%
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