1.   Differences in patient selection, faecal collection, and conflicting results.

2.   Complete five day faecal collections were obtained from patients, at home or place of work and taking their normal diet.

3.   This test is simple and avoids intubation or faecal collection as necessary in other tests.

4.   The number of bowel actions in each three day faecal collection was also recorded.

5.   Four ml were distributed over a fixed amount of filter paper in a faecal collection container.

6.   The presence of non-specific biliary excretion and short half life, however, render faecal collection studies after Tc-HMPAO lavelled leucocytes of little clinical use.

a. + collection >>共 1038
private 5.74%
permanent 3.98%
new 3.71%
large 2.54%
first 1.98%
extensive 1.84%
largest 1.82%
entire 1.82%
latest 1.63%
vast 1.39%
faecal 0.19%
faecal + n. >>共 39
water 9.02%
excretion 8.20%
blood 8.20%
incontinence 7.38%
collection 5.74%
fat 4.92%
concentration 4.92%
examination 4.92%
egg 4.10%
output 3.28%
每页显示:    共 7