1.   Better than arts panels, endowment juries and faculty tenure committees, they know what excites an audience.

2.   A faculty committee at Holyoke concluded after several years of research and internal debate that the test should be optional.

3.   A faculty committee sanctioned him by giving him guidelines for dealing with students and he was denied a scheduled pay raise.

4.   A biracial faculty committee has been appointed to hear student grievances.

5.   A faculty committee reporting to Koldus considered further height limits because fewer and fewer students were showing up to help build the bonfire.

6.   Adams and his top administrators and the faculty admissions committee.

7.   But a three-member faculty admissions committee last week denied Turner admission because of the alleged academic fraud.

8.   Carlin complained that faculty committees have seized authority from college and university presidents.

9.   Detailed data collected by a special committee found gender disparities in distribution of research grants, laboratory space, awards, appointments to faculty committees and teaching assignments.

10.   Faculty committees on academic freedom would describe, in fairly vague terms, an atmosphere of unfreedom.

n. + committee >>共 822
conference 10.34%
ethic 6.04%
selection 4.06%
sanction 3.77%
search 3.43%
bid 2.51%
budget 2.01%
government 1.93%
campaign 1.86%
management 1.70%
faculty 0.36%
faculty + n. >>共 184
member 57.89%
committee 2.39%
meeting 2.30%
position 2.13%
adviser 1.68%
salary 1.60%
representative 1.51%
union 1.15%
appointment 1.06%
office 0.98%
每页显示:    共 27