1.   BIG COMPETITOR UNITES FISHERMEN Fishermen from Maine to New Jersey are protesting plans for a big new factory trawler to start looking for herring and mackerel.

2.   Bodal would not confirm it, but several sources said Rokke talked with representatives of Alaskan villages, which have bought interests in other factory trawlers.

3.   Fishing fell victim to the same forces that have nearly killed commercial fishing elsewhere -- a dearth of fish and a change in fleets to large factory trawlers.

4.   Greenpeace opposes all factory trawlers.

5.   Gorton, R-Wash., hopes to find some formula to reduce the number of boats, especially the factory trawlers.

6.   He went to Alaska about three years ago and began working on factory trawlers.

7.   More factory trawlers are being built.

8.   Much of the fishing industry is based in the Seattle area, including the fleet of factory trawlers that harvest the same fish that Steller sea lions eat.

9.   The accident happened on a factory trawler with a ready supply of ice to preserve the severed hand.

10.   The towns have contracted with a factory trawler to catch their share.

n. + trawler >>共 15
factory 38.89%
shrimp 13.89%
turbot 11.11%
sea 5.56%
anchovy 2.78%
board 2.78%
bottom 2.78%
group 2.78%
month 2.78%
ocean 2.78%
factory + n. >>共 368
worker 17.24%
order 9.31%
owner 5.02%
floor 4.84%
job 3.85%
manager 2.93%
production 2.38%
output 1.94%
site 1.69%
gate 1.65%
trawler 0.51%
每页显示:    共 14