1.   Classes and private property grow out of the family and together these various factors lead to the break-up of the gens.

2.   These factors will often lead to a testing of faith in the mid to late teenage years.

3.   These factors led groups such as Greenpeace, together with Soviet-based NGOs, to dismiss the study as fully insufficient.

4.   At least two factors have led to this.

5.   Both factors lead to a better fawn survival rate.

6.   Both factors led United to post a loss in the third quarter and predict a loss for the fourth quarter.

7.   Both factors have led me to start my column from Japan.

8.   But other, more critical factors may have led to the new enthusiasm for fine cheeses in restaurants.

9.   But several factors have since led it to an apparent modification of its position.

10.   But technical factors may also lead to a rally.

n. + lead >>共 1747
share 2.07%
stock 1.39%
investigation 1.12%
company 0.84%
move 0.83%
road 0.79%
talk 0.70%
incident 0.66%
bank 0.61%
case 0.60%
factor 0.21%
factor + v. >>共 367
be 47.77%
contribute 3.22%
make 2.51%
include 2.30%
play 2.14%
help 1.58%
cause 1.53%
affect 1.40%
influence 1.37%
come 1.35%
lead 0.95%
每页显示:    共 36