1.   Many trophic factors can influence axonal growth and neuronal survival during nervous system development and in the regeneration of peripheral nerves.

2.   One other factor influences weeding policy, as it does selection policy.

3.   Research suggests that cultural factors influence scores in intelligence tests.

4.   There is also evidence in favour of the view that what we might think of as pragmatic factors influence language comprehension.

5.   Vygotsky was concerned with the question of how social and cultural factors influence intellectual development.

6.   More factors influenced her decision than she cares to admit.

7.   As other factors may influence company returns it may be assumed that beta is not a measure of total risk.

8.   Recording of activities provides the student with the opportunity to demonstrate how key factors are influencing the conduct of the investigation.

n. + influence >>共 614
factor 4.35%
money 1.92%
politics 1.67%
contribution 1.17%
gene 1.09%
experience 1.09%
change 1.00%
work 1.00%
government 1.00%
report 0.92%
factor + v. >>共 367
be 47.77%
contribute 3.22%
make 2.51%
include 2.30%
play 2.14%
help 1.58%
cause 1.53%
affect 1.40%
influence 1.37%
come 1.35%
每页显示:    共 52