1.   Because various factors determine the thickness of egg white, eggs from different flocks are graded separately.

2.   The price factor determines the appropriate price of the bond that is delivered.

3.   It is of some importance, therefore, to know what factors determine consumption so that appropriate policies to combat unemployment can be devised.

4.   Besides, many other factors will determine success or failure, such as the quality of games available for the new machines and marketing and distribution clout.

5.   A major factor in determining whether biologically significant amounts reach the earth, Lubin said, is the natural variability of cloudiness in a given area.

6.   Lawrence later disavowed the remark, explaining that he had jumbled his words and did not believe that hereditary factors determine ability and achievement.

7.   Lawrence later disavowed the remark, saying he had jumbled his words and that he did not believe that hereditary factors determine ability and achievement.

8.   Many complex factors determine whether communication is perceived as harmful and negative or beneficial and positive.

9.   Several factors will determine how many games he plays, including his own ability and how comfortable Sanders feels when he is healthy again.

10.   Several factors determine price.

n. + determine >>共 918
investigator 5.75%
official 5.32%
doctor 3.98%
authority 2.99%
police 2.52%
test 2.50%
court 2.05%
investigation 2.00%
judge 1.98%
expert 1.46%
factor 0.54%
factor + v. >>共 367
be 47.77%
contribute 3.22%
make 2.51%
include 2.30%
play 2.14%
help 1.58%
cause 1.53%
affect 1.40%
influence 1.37%
come 1.35%
determine 0.61%
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