1.   Economic, racial, political, historic and cultural factors have combined to interweave the fabric of the world.

2.   Furthermore, these socio-economic factors combined to make the female nude a complicated carrier of meaning.

3.   Several factors combined to depress the American economy.

4.   These discouraging factors combine to compel a search for cheaper and environmentally safer energy sources.

5.   These factors combined to put me in jeopardy every noon hour.

6.   These factors can combine to make it an expensive procedure.

7.   Analysts said all those factors combined to foment deep uncertainty among the investors remaining in the Mexican stock market.

8.   According to Hartsfield, analysis suggests several factors may have combined to produce the shallow grooves.

9.   All these factors have combined to send the stocks skidding.

10.   All these factors combined to redouble Russian work on liquid fuel technology.

n. + combine >>共 758
company 5.54%
team 3.49%
factor 3.16%
two 1.32%
system 1.25%
pitcher 0.99%
reliever 0.86%
wind 0.79%
program 0.66%
merger 0.66%
factor + v. >>共 367
be 47.77%
contribute 3.22%
make 2.51%
include 2.30%
play 2.14%
help 1.58%
cause 1.53%
affect 1.40%
influence 1.37%
come 1.35%
combine 1.27%
每页显示:    共 48