1.   A general lack of understanding of factor analysis, however, weakened the impact of the study and its effect was minimal.

2.   In order to test these theoretical assumptions, a factor analysis of the survey data was performed.

3.   Factor analysis is a statistical technique for data clarification and reduction.

4.   Factor analysis is the statistical process then used to discover the pattern.

5.   Five factors, attitudes towards the collegiality and openness, professionality, efficiency and threat, professional development and formality of SSE, emerged from the factor analyses.

n. + analysis >>共 406
news 7.62%
cost-benefit 7.24%
computer 6.35%
datum 4.26%
laboratory 3.58%
risk 2.84%
regression 2.32%
handwriting 2.02%
market 2.02%
cost 1.72%
factor 0.37%
factor + n. >>共 112
precursor 4.95%
endowment 4.40%
analysis 2.75%
price 2.75%
reward 2.75%
drop 2.20%
activity 2.20%
content 2.20%
productivity 2.20%
working 2.20%
每页显示:    共 5