1.   So far, Fahim has been unable to fully coalesce the factions under Massood.

2.   But one faction under former Kandahar governor Gul Agha has refused to recognize the authority of another under Mullah Naqib Ullah.

3.   By pacification the elder Aidid meant bringing other factions under his control.

4.   He also suggested that NATO would not cease air attacks against Serb factions under the threat of peacekeepers being taken hostage.

5.   One faction under former Kandahar governor Gul Agha refused to recognize the authority of another under Mullah Naqibullah.

6.   Bhutto however denied her country backed any warring side in Afghanistan, calling for a political settlement of the conflict through the participation of all factions under UN supervision.

7.   The diplomats pressed the Taliban to hold peace talks with rival factions under the aegis of the United Nations, a State Department official said.

8.   The diplomats pressed the Taliban to hold peace talks with rival factions under the aegis of the United Nations.

9.   The first major deadline for the former warring factions under the Dayton peace accord expires midnight Friday.

n. + under >>共 1783
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faction + p. >>共 54
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