1.   Steps are now being taken to get both warring factions around the negotiating table.

2.   The army is currently battling the faction around their northern jungle base of Anlong Veng.

3.   The army is currently battling the Khmer Rouge faction around their northern jungle base of Anlong Veng.

4.   The deal split the movement, with a hard-line faction around Pol Pot and others leaders shrinking.

5.   The faction around the now government-held Anlong Veng, near where Pol Pot died, was the last still fighting.

6.   The faction around the now government-held Anlong Veng stronghold, near where Pol Pot died, was the last still fighting.

7.   Fighting erupted Thursday between rival Kurdish factions around a northern Iraqi village where a mechanized infantry regiment from Baghdad still remained, UN officials said.

n. + around >>共 1464
area 3.39%
way 2.18%
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arm 1.57%
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thing 0.80%
position 0.66%
city 0.62%
street 0.61%
faction 0.02%
faction + p. >>共 54
in 38.21%
of 33.89%
within 7.06%
on 2.45%
to 2.11%
from 2.06%
for 1.52%
over 1.37%
against 1.32%
at 1.18%
around 0.39%
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