1.   - Any government facilities used to raise funds for Dole.

2.   He said the facility does use a Matrix form, but that it does not ask applicants to identify their limitation.

3.   Many facilities use identification bracelets that are pre-stamped with numbers to reduce the possibility of tampering.

4.   The adiponitrile facility will use butadiene and natural gas for its raw materials.

5.   The Barbours Cut facility currently used includes only one berth for cruise ships.

6.   The legislation would require facilities to use safer needles, which retract or blunt their points after being used.

7.   Wade also praised the law for accommodating technology as it may develop in the future rather than specifying which devices health care facilities must use.

8.   He said facilities used to manufacture pesticides and other legimitate chemical products could be transformed quickly into chemical weapons factories.

9.   He said medical facilities sometimes use nitrogen to purge lines used to carry air.

10.   Medical facilities sometimes use nitrogen to purge lines used to carry air, he said.

n. + use >>共 1017
company 4.37%
police 3.55%
people 3.04%
government 2.19%
team 1.10%
group 0.92%
system 0.89%
worker 0.86%
official 0.82%
doctor 0.77%
facility 0.04%
facility + v. >>共 325
be 39.98%
include 5.39%
have 4.32%
remain 1.63%
offer 1.57%
open 1.46%
make 1.46%
provide 1.40%
help 1.29%
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use 0.79%
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