1.   A plastic surgeon reconstructed his nose and some of his facial bones.

2.   A plastic surgeon reconstructed his nose and some facial bones.

3.   Does Candace Gingrich have anything in common with her bigger-than-life brother, other than a vague resemblance in the facial bones?

4.   Facial bones were broken.

5.   If all goes well, that will set the stage for a later operation on his misshapen facial bones.

6.   Of three bullets that struck Grossman, Munoz said, one entered his cheek and shattered numerous facial bones.

7.   Smith required surgery on the eye and reconstruction of facial bones.

8.   The victim suffered crushed legs, broken facial bones, broken shoulder and rib bones and internal injuries.

9.   Florie had surgery to repair broken facial bones and got contact lenses to correct his vision, which was impaired after the injury.

10.   He broke a facial bone but, more damaging for a golfer, he broke his right hand and wrist.

a. + bone >>共 510
broken 29.84%
human 4.59%
brittle 2.27%
animal 2.23%
hip 1.75%
old 1.54%
small 1.46%
chicken 1.38%
strong 1.34%
fractured 1.34%
facial 0.69%
facial + n. >>共 196
expression 20.68%
injury 10.52%
hair 10.15%
feature 6.92%
cut 4.05%
recognition 2.80%
muscle 2.65%
burn 1.62%
tissue 1.62%
laceration 1.62%
bone 1.25%
每页显示:    共 17