1.   A child under the age of ten cannot face criminal liability for its acts.

2.   A company operating a ship which spills oil into the sea will face civil liability.

3.   Absentee owners face tax liabilities in the state where the property is situated.

4.   But if possible billing problems surface, and are companywide, some individual hospitals Quorum manages could face potential liability for questionable practices, experts say.

5.   But if the cases proceed, Microsoft could face liabilities in excess of what it is now offering schools.

6.   But Wilson also faces several liabilities.

7.   Doctors already face liability, but often their decisions are forced upon them by an insurance plan.

8.   His previous employer would have faced no liability in disclosing the accusation.

9.   Houser said the company still is waiting to see how much liability it will face.

10.   In a dissenting opinion in the Burlington case, Thomas said employers should face liability only for their own negligence.

v. + liability >>共 165
limit 10.40%
have 6.67%
deny 4.80%
admit 4.00%
assume 3.87%
exclude 3.87%
avoid 3.73%
cover 2.93%
accept 2.80%
reduce 2.80%
face 2.67%
face + n. >>共 753
charge 11.01%
problem 3.34%
competition 3.22%
challenge 3.13%
trial 2.93%
opposition 2.38%
pressure 2.10%
criticism 1.52%
life 1.47%
difficulty 1.41%
liability 0.06%
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