1.   Now there is fear the Mount may be targeted by extremists seeking to demolish the peace process.

2.   Now there is a fear the Mount may be targeted by extremists seeking to demolish the peace process.

3.   At the time, Ngendahayo, a Tutsi, said Tutsi extremists were targeting members of the government.

4.   Extremists have targeted Christians in the past, murdering some or robbing their stores to fund their activities.

5.   Extremists have targeted hotels, restaurants, bank cash machines and other sites.

6.   Extremists have often targeted jewelry shops owned by Coptic Christians to fund their activities.

7.   Extremists have often targeted other hotels, restaurants, bank cash machines and other private and public property in the past.

8.   Extremists have targeted Christians in the past, murdering them or robbing their stores to fund their activities.

9.   In Germany, Kurdish extremists have frequently targeted Turkish travel agencies.

10.   Journalists have been specifically targeted by extremists before.

n. + target >>共 616
company 3.60%
group 3.25%
attack 2.95%
militant 2.76%
rebel 2.68%
police 2.14%
terrorist 2.10%
campaign 1.76%
government 1.72%
force 1.38%
extremist 0.92%
extremist + v. >>共 286
be 8.99%
attack 4.50%
use 4.01%
shoot 3.52%
kill 3.52%
try 3.42%
target 2.35%
claim 2.05%
threaten 1.96%
plan 1.86%
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