1.   If men closed further, accuracy became less important, and powerful grenades became extremely effective.

2.   In contrast simple probabilistic models have been extremely effective in some speech and language tasks.

3.   It has proved extremely effective over the past few years.

4.   It would not cost the Government money, would have the support of fishermen and would be extremely effective in terms of conservation.

5.   These steroids are extremely effective and keep you alive.

6.   They are fast acting and extremely effective as products and will rapidly remove grease and other organic films using spray-wipe techniques.

7.   This combination of wet heat and time is extremely effective for disinfection.

8.   We examine hypertext briefly below but it is worth noting right away that the hypertext model appears to be extremely effective in structuring multimedia applications.

9.   But, once established, the service class is extremely effective in ensuring that its offspring also joins this elite.

d. + effective >>共 257
more 29.05%
most 16.73%
as 6.48%
less 4.92%
very 4.20%
how 3.89%
highly 3.48%
immediately 3.44%
particularly 2.20%
so 2.14%
extremely 1.01%
extremely + a. >>共 1186
difficult 7.37%
rare 4.77%
high 2.89%
low 2.84%
popular 2.48%
important 2.10%
dangerous 1.77%
sensitive 1.67%
tight 1.59%
close 1.40%
effective 0.64%
每页显示:    共 56