1.   According to Norwegian law a person cannot be extradited unless the Norwegian courts agree that the charges are reasonable.

2.   Since January, five persons have been extradited to the United States.

3.   Under Dominican law, the president has ultimate authority over whether a person is extradited.

4.   Under Norwegian law, a person cannot be extradited unless the Norwegian courts agree that the charges are reasonable.

5.   Under French law, a person cannot be extradited to a country where the accused would face more severe punishment.

6.   Two Singapore company directors were arrested earlier this month in connection with the scam, and a third person has been extradited here from Malaysia.

v. + person >>共 639
kill 25.81%
injure 8.24%
arrest 3.45%
wound 3.16%
identify 2.40%
say 1.66%
take 1.50%
detain 1.32%
treat 1.23%
report 1.07%
extradite 0.13%
extradite + n. >>共 108
suspect 28.90%
citizen 8.47%
man 7.31%
people 5.15%
national 4.32%
leader 3.99%
two 2.33%
officer 2.16%
trafficker 2.16%
terrorist 1.50%
person 1.00%
每页显示:    共 6