1.   As a remedy, he sought to extract a pledge from gun makers not to supply shops linked repeatedly to guns used in crimes, among other measures.

2.   But he refused to budge until he extracted public pledges from both sides that they were satisfied with the security of the Volusia ballots.

3.   In recent years the United States has attached conditions to payments, giving itself leverage to extract pledges of reform from the organization.

4.   Nobody is obligated in any way to keep a pledge extracted under duress.

5.   A month ago, he extracted a pledge from both sides to resume talks.

6.   As a result, Clinton last week extracted pledges by the Palestinian leader to curb attacks on Israelis and to resume cooperation with Israel in countering terrorism.

7.   As a result, Clinton on Tuesday extracted pledges by the Palestinian leader to curb attacks on Israelis and to resume cooperation with Israel in countering terrorism.

8.   Clinton extracted a pledge from Arafat at the White House last week that he would try to curb violence and resume cooperation with Israel by countering terrorism.

9.   Clinton last week extracted a pledge from Arafat at the White House that he would try to curb violence and resume cooperation with Israeli by countering terrorism.

10.   President Clinton last week extracted a pledge from Arafat at the White House that he would try to curb violence and resume cooperation with Israeli by countering terrorism.

v. + pledge >>共 217
make 11.65%
sign 9.37%
fulfill 6.73%
break 4.68%
keep 4.04%
reiterate 4.04%
include 4.04%
renew 3.92%
repeat 3.75%
honor 3.57%
extract 0.82%
extract + n. >>共 428
confession 8.33%
concession 6.15%
information 4.06%
plutonium 3.69%
oil 3.62%
promise 2.75%
gold 2.03%
cell 1.81%
money 1.52%
juice 1.38%
pledge 1.01%
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