1.   Coaches like it because it gives them an extra week to prepare.

2.   Half board is compulsory for extra week.

3.   Instead of paying that compensation, the person concerned served an extra week in prison.

4.   The exhibition will run for an extra week, due to popular demand.

5.   They avoid antibiotics for the most part and tend to leave the chickens an extra week or two to grow.

6.   He gave us an extra week to finish the job.

7.   A pound a week extra?

8.   Although both teams had a short week of preparation, the Eagles arrived at Pitt Stadium looking as though they needed an extra week of practice.

9.   Also, the cattle spent an extra week on feed, indicating animals will be sold at higher weights and yield extra beef.

10.   And getting an extra week or three of vacation is one of the easiest concessions you can get.

a. + week >>共 208
recent 24.55%
past 14.66%
last 11.81%
next 10.57%
coming 6.61%
first 5.84%
second 2.74%
following 1.89%
final 1.76%
third 1.30%
extra 0.30%
extra + n. >>共 1010
money 5.38%
time 5.18%
security 2.39%
cost 2.33%
day 2.22%
point 2.13%
cash 1.55%
police 1.30%
charge 1.28%
inning 1.24%
week 0.61%
每页显示:    共 90