1.   A sprinkling of blue cheese or Gorgonzola makes it extra special.

2.   Extra special Numerically, Pipe has re-written the racing annuals, topping the double century Mark in the last four consecutive seasons.

3.   You obviously have the extra special festive remix.

4.   But this win was extra special -- his first in a top championship.

5.   And then any extra specials that come up in the meantime, they would send out send out a wee typewritten sheet you see.

6.   So it will be extra special seeing all the sights.

7.   You can make your Christmas easier for yourself and extra special for your friends.

8.   And an unscrupulous few pitch clenbuterol as a special extra.

9.   Athletic ability runs in the family, but Mike, Virginia Bibby says, is something extra special.

10.   But there he was, chin chiseled extra special, the last of the Blueshirts to skate out of the billowing smoke at the side of the Ranger bench.

a. + special >>共 146
daily 10.81%
extra 6.76%
blue-plate 4.05%
hourlong 3.38%
hour-long 2.70%
very 2.36%
upcoming 2.03%
stand-up 1.69%
animated 1.35%
recent 1.35%
extra + n. >>共 1010
money 5.38%
time 5.18%
security 2.39%
cost 2.33%
day 2.22%
point 2.13%
cash 1.55%
police 1.30%
charge 1.28%
inning 1.24%
special 0.13%
每页显示:    共 20