1.   And at Christmas these colour schemes are given an extra layer of sparkle.

2.   I would wear extra layers of clothing and pull the sleeves of my sweater down to hide my white, numbed fingers.

3.   An extra layer of insulation around the midsection can help, too.

4.   An extra layer of plywood also will work, but the cement board is superior.

5.   And if fear of ridicule cannot make a great stylist of every titlist in the field, extra layers of editorial scrutiny sift out the truly egregious boo-boos.

6.   And the industrial-rock music that grinds and groans in the background adds an extra layer of ominous portent.

7.   A few companies have spread an extra layer of benefits to be taken over a number of years.

8.   A small part of the poorer performance may be accounted for by the extra layer of fees that subadvisory arrangements sometimes foist on shareholders.

9.   But it imposes an extra layer of scrutiny on him.

10.   But participating banks would be required to hold an extra layer of capital reserves.

a. + layer >>共 496
thin 12.19%
single 9.45%
thick 6.20%
top 5.78%
outer 4.70%
new 2.62%
second 2.58%
extra 2.46%
first 1.66%
protective 1.54%
extra + n. >>共 1010
money 5.38%
time 5.18%
security 2.39%
cost 2.33%
day 2.22%
point 2.13%
cash 1.55%
police 1.30%
charge 1.28%
inning 1.24%
layer 0.39%
每页显示:    共 59