1.   America Online and CompuServe have the most extensive program of live conferences with VIPs, with each hosting several a week.

2.   An extensive follow-up program is also advocated.

3.   Based on that study, Unilever began an extensive marketing program with doctors.

4.   A. An extensive program of events to mark the anniversary started in April and will continue throughout September, with some events scheduled later in the fall.

5.   Fujimori liberalized the climate for foreign investment and began an extensive program of selling government-owned companies.

6.   He also offers extensive training programs.

7.   In Florida, for example, the sheriffs operate an extensive program for poor kids.

8.   In those years, the student body and faculty grew, and an extensive building program was carried out.

9.   Iraq is also refusing to give Butler documents and other material on an extensive biological program.

10.   Mills said the delegation also discussed the need for more extensive training programs for people trying to get off welfare.

a. + program >>共 969
new 5.06%
training 4.36%
federal 3.15%
social 2.98%
nuclear 2.67%
short 2.42%
pilot 2.11%
similar 1.78%
educational 1.44%
long 1.10%
extensive 0.20%
extensive + n. >>共 1190
damage 7.14%
experience 2.66%
research 2.64%
use 2.01%
coverage 1.59%
network 1.55%
search 1.27%
interview 1.17%
collection 1.15%
background 1.10%
program 0.80%
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