1.   Can the transitional period be extended for negotiation between union and employer?

2.   If the developer has notified the planning authority in advance then the twenty eight day period is extended to four months.

3.   The period can be extended if continued secrecy is deemed to be in the public interest.

4.   If the relevant gene could be incorporated into wheat, for example, it would reduce the number of herbicides required and extend the period of application.

5.   The one-month period will be extended if the Commission considers that the information supplied with the notification is materially incomplete.

6.   Such applications must be served within two months of issue unless the period is extended.

7.   A church spokesman said it was not clear whether the appeal period would be extended until after the court deals with that statement.

8.   Breeders are refining appearance and extending blooming periods without losing fragrance or toughness.

9.   He also urged the Veterans Administration to consider extending the period of eligibility to collect disability payments for ailments possibly related to service in the gulf war.

10.   If the government has antitrust concerns, the review period can be extended.

v. + period >>共 268
have 7.59%
enter 6.64%
spend 5.18%
extend 5.00%
follow 5.00%
end 2.85%
experience 2.16%
use 1.73%
produce 1.73%
enjoy 1.73%
extend + n. >>共 1100
deadline 4.76%
invitation 2.53%
contract 2.39%
loan 2.28%
life 2.14%
lead 2.12%
mandate 1.82%
gain 1.80%
hand 1.78%
self-rule 1.67%
period 0.71%
每页显示:    共 58