1.   So the challenge was extended to include a clay pigeon shooting match at Gorebridge between two teams of four.

2.   This equation is applicable to patients with simple metabolic acidosis, and can not be extended to include those with metabolic alkalosis.

3.   This should be extended to include short colloquial phrases.

4.   The trip has been extended to include a few other events.

5.   The MPhys degrees, like the BSc Honours degrees, are in Physics, Mathematical Physics and Computational Physics, and the range is extended to include Astrophysics.

6.   Membership was subsequently extended to include nominated solicitors from the Law Society.

7.   In the area of technology, feedback has suggested that both general SVQs should be extended to include a fifth option, in building services.

8.   If the pedestal stands for fixity and place, what does the frame represent?

9.   It was often commented, however, that the proposal should in time be extended to include all firms.

v. + include >>共 371
be 28.92%
expand 20.43%
broaden 3.47%
extend 3.34%
widen 2.48%
kill 0.99%
injure 0.80%
enlarge 0.80%
discuss 0.68%
retransmit 0.62%
extend + v. >>共 93
include 23.68%
cover 17.11%
accommodate 2.63%
help 2.63%
finance 2.19%
give 1.75%
allow 1.32%
pend 1.32%
provide 1.32%
reach 1.32%
每页显示:    共 54