1.   And speaking of the exquisite balance of symmetry, please notice that I began this column with the Depression and ended it with dark matter.

2.   Because of the exquisite balance between the two parties, the switch has profound implications far beyond the vote of one man.

3.   For that exquisite balance, if it exists at all, depends as much on value judgments as on technocratic insight.

4.   It is an exquisite balance.

5.   Oni achieves this exquisite balance in part by flouting action-game conventions.

6.   Security is an issue that calls for an exquisite balance of competing values, and full public discussion of the reasons for it.

7.   With speed, athleticism, assertiveness and exquisite balance, West Virginia dominated this game almost from the beginning.

8.   With an exquisite balance of smoke and salt, it has a silkiness that melts in your mouth.

a. + balance >>共 462
delicate 7.91%
right 5.81%
better 3.35%
good 3.18%
competitive 3.14%
perfect 2.97%
military 2.67%
strategic 2.45%
political 2.06%
proper 1.94%
exquisite 0.34%
exquisite + n. >>共 389
taste 2.50%
timing 2.33%
detail 1.67%
sense 1.33%
balance 1.33%
performance 1.17%
care 1.00%
sensitivity 0.83%
example 0.83%
tension 0.83%
每页显示:    共 8