1.   His crisp, black-and-white photos are offbeat portraits of his friends and bizarre slices of daily life, printed with exquisite attention to tonal detail.

2.   If Aletha Soule relies on a muse to help her shape and control her work, that muse provides exquisite attention to detail.

3.   In a land noted for its exquisite attention to detail, no Japanese family would think of faxing a wedding invitation, no matter how pressed they were.

4.   These stores also reflect another aspect of what the British call bespoke outfitting, denoting the ethos of handmade, custom quality and exquisite personal attention.

a. + attention >>共 692
medical 7.33%
national 7.18%
close 6.08%
public 5.74%
international 5.58%
special 5.50%
particular 3.22%
the 2.37%
scant 1.95%
full 1.71%
exquisite 0.05%
exquisite + n. >>共 389
taste 2.50%
timing 2.33%
detail 1.67%
sense 1.33%
balance 1.33%
performance 1.17%
care 1.00%
sensitivity 0.83%
example 0.83%
tension 0.83%
attention 0.67%
每页显示:    共 4