1.   But American officials, without criticizing the Canadian plan, expressed reservations that a standby force might short-circuit the process of deciding when to send peacekeepers.

2.   But several other nations that American officials view as essential to a coordinated effort have either expressed reservations about such agreements or openly oppose them.

3.   But some conservatives, while relieved the ruling does not require legalized same-sex marriage, expressed serious reservations about domestic partnerships as well.

4.   Concerned about high budget deficits, Japanese officials have expressed reservations in recent days about whether their government will draw up another spending package to encourage economic recovery.

5.   Others, too, who had expressed reservation have been won over.

6.   Several U.S. military officers expressed reservations that the ultimatum announced Friday did not state a clearly defined goal for the military operation.

7.   Some Knesset members expressed reservations about forcing elections that they said could disrupt the three-month timetable set out in the Wye agreement.

8.   The United Nations welcomed the signing of the accord, but formally expressed reservations about the general amnesty.

9.   The world bodies of soccer, tennis and cycling all expressed reservations.

10.   African leaders expressed reservations here Friday about western military intervention in Zaire, even as French Prime Minister Alain Juppe said the troops could be on the ground soon.

a. + reservation >>共 261
indian 16.60%
serious 8.55%
strong 7.17%
navajo 3.34%
deep 3.14%
similar 2.65%
central 1.87%
online 1.77%
expressed 1.67%
computerized 1.67%
expressed + n. >>共 129
concern 13.65%
optimism 5.33%
interest 5.33%
confidence 4.55%
regret 3.90%
skepticism 3.90%
disappointment 3.64%
hope 3.51%
support 3.51%
surprise 3.38%
reservation 2.21%
每页显示:    共 17