1.   Barnier also expressed confidence in the future of renewable energy sources, especially solar power.

2.   But none admitted considering leaving the church, and each expressed confidence that the church is changing.

3.   But pro-separation forces, led by Quebec Premier and Parti Quebecois leader Jacques Parizeau and Bloc Quebecois leader Lucien Bouchard, expressed confidence that this time they would prevail.

4.   Cassidy, as well as other bank specialists, expressed confidence that a good-size sale would allow the merger to pass regulatory muster.

5.   EUROPE GERMAN government bonds rose after the Bundesbank unexpectedly cut interest rates to record lows and expressed confidence inflation is under control.

6.   Not one of more than a dozen Kuwaitis interviewed expressed confidence that the UN deal will bring anything more than breathing room for Saddam.

7.   Pentagon officials would not comment on the regulations, but expressed confidence they would be widely supported.

8.   Project officials had all along expressed confidence that the problem was probably temporary, partly because the radio had worked after the landing.

9.   Rumsfeld has since expressed confidence in White, and White appeared at the briefing with Wolfowitz.

10.   Several bankers interviewed expressed confidence that their unreported loans on co-op apartments were fully protected and subject to their review.

a. + confidence >>共 567
public 18.06%
growing 3.44%
full 3.26%
renewed 3.09%
great 2.31%
new 2.17%
quiet 1.96%
international 1.72%
greater 1.72%
building 1.51%
expressed 1.23%
expressed + n. >>共 129
concern 13.65%
optimism 5.33%
interest 5.33%
confidence 4.55%
regret 3.90%
skepticism 3.90%
disappointment 3.64%
hope 3.51%
support 3.51%
surprise 3.38%
每页显示:    共 35