1.   But why not have some fun and express your personality instead of wearing the usual menswear uniform?

2.   Personality is expressed almost entirely through movement and sound.

3.   Players are starting to express their personalities, he said, and that not only lightens up the dressing room, it shows on the scoreboard.

4.   They say his personality is best expressed in sailing.

5.   Whether you spend a lot or a little, be sure the clothes have urban appeal and express your personality.

6.   With a wide-eyed gaze and a goatee, he looks both innocent and devilish, a style that perfectly expresses his personality.

7.   Yet, despite our expectation that all Egyptian figures are pretty much interchangeable, Senwesret expresses personality.

v. + personality >>共 255
have 24.71%
change 3.76%
reflect 2.89%
develop 2.75%
know 1.45%
fit 1.30%
affect 1.30%
lack 1.16%
take 1.16%
like 1.01%
express 1.01%
express + n. >>共 264
concern 19.92%
interest 7.28%
hope 4.78%
support 4.54%
confidence 4.41%
regret 2.88%
doubt 2.88%
fear 2.60%
reservation 2.51%
optimism 2.09%
personality 0.03%
每页显示:    共 7