1.   Both movies are ensemble comedies centering on young male friends who explore the complexities of romance.

2.   But it is worth exploring its complexities because the Monica Lewinsky-Bill Clinton matter, at its most fundamental level, has been about trust.

3.   But there is a cumulative effect from all the episodes that explores the complexity of human nature.

4.   Mudd relishes exploring the complexities of policy in a televised debate, and is unhappy that there has only been one.

5.   Unfortunately, having raised the issue, Spielberg chooses to abandon it rather than explore its complexity.

6.   Another part of his project is to explore the complexities of the Dominican Diaspora.

v. + complexity >>共 161
add 6.55%
understand 5.79%
illustrate 4.28%
reflect 3.27%
reduce 3.27%
increase 2.27%
underestimate 2.27%
consider 1.76%
master 1.76%
underscore 1.76%
explore 1.51%
explore + n. >>共 889
possibility 8.99%
way 8.97%
option 6.09%
opportunity 3.25%
issue 2.41%
idea 2.16%
area 1.71%
world 1.34%
alternative 1.34%
avenue 1.27%
complexity 0.15%
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