1.   In capitalist society the capitalist exploits this labour by employing it to produce items for sale - commodities - in return for a wage.

2.   A reference to Vikings seizing mancipia may reflect attempts to exploit their labour directly.

3.   Questions like - Can business be done in a country where child labour is exploited and still be regarded as ethical?

4.   Big sporting goods firms such as Reebok, Nike and Adidas have already moved to cover themselve against accusations of exploiting child labour in developing countries.

v. + labour >>共 69
import 10.73%
use 8.47%
employ 4.52%
eliminate 3.39%
end 3.39%
hire 3.39%
withdraw 2.82%
sell 2.82%
induce 2.82%
exploit 2.26%
exploit + n. >>共 691
opportunity 3.41%
worker 2.81%
weakness 2.81%
loophole 2.76%
situation 2.54%
child 2.44%
resource 1.52%
difference 1.46%
division 1.46%
technology 1.35%
labour 0.22%
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