1.   Administration officials say they believe that Saddam is trying to find and exploit international divisions over how to enforce the U.N. resolutions.

2.   After the rapturous welcome given that speech, Milosevic, according to Doder and Branson, became addicted to exploiting ethnic divisions to rise to power.

3.   Daschle also is moving to exploit GOP divisions on the nomination of former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld as U.S. Ambassador to Mexico.

4.   Dole has been thrown on the defensive by an energized Democratic opposition exploiting the divisions.

5.   Extremist elements are exploiting divisions and political violence is creating an atmosphere of turmoil and tension.

6.   House Democrats hope to exploit that division among Republicans next week by forcing a vote on a resolution calling for an unencumbered debt limit bill.

7.   His toughest challenge may be to restore a sense of unity of purpose to a divided electorate, which has grown weary of having its divisions exploited by politicians.

8.   It is dismaying to think that American consultants to both parties may be encouraging Israeli politicians to exploit their divisions rather than heal them.

9.   The Council is using the same tactic against Saddam Hussein of Iraq, putting on a common front to prevent troublemakers from exploiting divisions among the most powerful nations.

10.   The industry will doubtless exploit any divisions.

v. + division >>共 484
win 12.48%
create 3.77%
sell 3.01%
lead 2.95%
have 2.29%
cause 2.14%
heal 2.09%
reflect 1.78%
bank 1.73%
clinch 1.53%
exploit 1.38%
exploit + n. >>共 691
opportunity 3.41%
worker 2.81%
weakness 2.81%
loophole 2.76%
situation 2.54%
child 2.44%
resource 1.52%
difference 1.46%
division 1.46%
technology 1.35%
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