1.   We finally debated at great length whether it would be possible to avoid making explicit reference to the Director.

2.   And last Tuesday, a school janitor discovered a letter with explicit references to the alleged attack.

3.   But taking out any explicit reference to the priesthood of the believer is pretty extreme.

4.   Guiguet avoids making any explicit references to AIDS and death in his film, a choice, he believes, that allows the film to transcend time and place.

5.   It includes profuse profanity, explicit sexual references and sexual situations.

6.   It was his first explicit reference to Jewish suffering during the international observances.

7.   Milosz, who writes of being a Roman Catholic but makes few other explicit references to religion, seems to be speaking for the existence of a higher power.

8.   Other images make no explicit sexual references, but the scenes remain threatening.

9.   The committee also avoided any explicit reference to the book that made Rigoberta famous, as if to evade any doubts on that score.

10.   The Federal Communications Commission, which regulates radio broadcasts, fined the station last spring for playing a song with explicit sexual references.

a. + reference >>共 601
sexual 5.37%
direct 4.85%
apparent 3.56%
specific 3.09%
future 2.85%
passing 2.80%
veiled 2.38%
clear 1.85%
frequent 1.71%
religious 1.52%
explicit 1.14%
explicit + n. >>共 359
material 6.98%
sex 3.94%
threat 2.24%
instruction 2.24%
reference 2.15%
language 1.79%
apology 1.79%
commitment 1.70%
content 1.43%
image 1.25%
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