1.   The community of hardware and software developers, technocrat multimedia designers, information technologists and industry pundits, have many other sources of expert commentary.

2.   That is what this new network is about -- live events, expert commentary, a wider range of stories told -- and in more depth.

3.   An excellent audiovisual introduction and expert commentary by guides make this a memorable destination.

4.   Assigned to provide expert commentary on contract negotiations and player work ethic.

5.   Even most expert commentary is little more than frustration venting.

6.   Get your fill of eggs and tips from millionaires on the clubhouse porch, while listening to expert commentary as the horses go through their morning workouts.

7.   IBM, which sponsored the silicon combatant, created a Web site that allowed modem jockeys to follow the matches move by move and read on-the-scene expert commentary.

8.   In tributes, he has been revered for his expert commentary, good humor and energy.

9.   It can analyze our data, find the numbers we need to prop up a story, search out expert commentary to lend strength to the story.

10.   It also will provide expert commentary.

a. + commentary >>共 360
social 9.49%
running 7.34%
political 5.54%
sad 2.49%
audio 2.37%
expert 1.81%
accompanying 1.69%
front-page 1.47%
biting 1.36%
wry 1.24%
expert + n. >>共 387
witness 16.71%
advice 6.87%
panel 6.14%
testimony 4.95%
opinion 4.62%
determination 2.97%
committee 1.98%
clause 1.98%
help 1.92%
level 1.85%
commentary 1.06%
每页显示:    共 16