1.   The trip was duck soup for experienced travelers.

2.   Also, they are experienced travelers and have seen how fluctuations in the price of money can affect vacation cash.

3.   And it can be useful to review the basics, even for experienced Web travelers.

4.   But experienced travelers would be unlikely to close a deal on a street corner.

5.   Even the most experienced travelers get victimized.

6.   Experienced travelers order in advance, stuffing a couple of those little wine bottles in the seat pocket until such time as the so-called food arrives.

7.   Experienced travelers with a command of Spanish can cut costs considerably by using the local buses, but it is not easy for neophytes.

8.   Experienced travelers know that the first rate mentioned is seldom the last word, and the site points out that occasionally hotels offer rates that beat the AARP discount.

9.   He considered her an experienced traveler.

10.   It also should attract experienced travelers who prefer a vessel with large cabins and ample space to escape the crowds generated by newer ships three times its size.

a. + traveler >>共 464
international 4.73%
frequent 4.66%
american 4.59%
mature 3.92%
foreign 2.91%
stranded 2.43%
single 1.89%
solo 1.89%
weary 1.55%
older 1.42%
experienced 1.22%
experienced + n. >>共 823
player 4.18%
pilot 2.89%
hand 1.56%
team 1.48%
worker 1.37%
teacher 1.37%
people 1.29%
manager 1.18%
lawyer 1.10%
driver 1.06%
traveler 0.68%
每页显示:    共 18