1.   And, even if the new funds experience slowdowns in the march toward prosperity, Fidelity has plenty of room to maneuver.

2.   And, God forbid, one of these companies should experience a slowdown in their fundamentals, and believe me, some of them will.

3.   At the same time, U.S. wineries experienced a slowdown in exports last year.

4.   After experiencing a slowdown last year after a series of high-profile bond defaults by telecommunications companies, issuance of high-yield bonds had revived this year.

5.   But he expressed optimism over Latin America, which he said is not likely to experience a slowdown of its own.

6.   Companies that sell such software, including Peoplesoft Inc., Baan Co. and SAP AG, have all experienced a slowdown in sales.

7.   Cymer said it had not yet experienced slowdowns in orders but that it had caught up with demand, so growth would slow somewhat.

8.   In addition, it said the staffing industry is experiencing a slowdown in its rate of increased sales.

9.   In the past weeks, some of the best-known sites have experienced slowdowns and even service outages.

10.   It will not be possible if Canada experiences a slowdown similar to what the United States is experiencing, unless the government goes back into debt.

v. + slowdown >>共 167
attribute 5.52%
reflect 4.63%
see 4.63%
blame 4.33%
cause 4.33%
experience 4.03%
offset 4.03%
expect 3.58%
face 2.54%
predict 2.39%
experience + n. >>共 1136
problem 7.00%
pain 4.31%
difficulty 3.26%
growth 2.51%
loss 1.57%
symptom 1.48%
delay 1.44%
discomfort 1.25%
trouble 1.14%
feeling 1.05%
slowdown 0.62%
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