1.   It is a common observation that spatial disparities tend to be reduced when national economies as a whole experience growth and vice-versa.

2.   Investments by U.S. companies already have increased sharply as Bangladesh experiences improved growth, she said.

3.   The world economy still faces a substantial risk that it could plunge into recession next year rather than experience sluggish growth, the World Bank says Wednesday.

4.   The world economy still faces a substantial risk that it could plunge into recession next year rather than experience sluggish growth, the World Bank said Wednesday.

n. + growth >>共 543
earnings 12.66%
profit 12.04%
job 9.34%
population 8.38%
revenue 4.50%
export 3.58%
year 3.36%
productivity 2.30%
wage 2.20%
employment 1.93%
experience 0.06%
experience + n. >>共 188
level 7.12%
factor 2.91%
count 2.27%
curve 2.27%
show 2.27%
edge 1.94%
point 1.62%
problem 1.62%
rating 1.62%
gap 1.29%
growth 1.29%
每页显示:    共 4