1.   In normal situations, babies experience frequent frustration from birth.

2.   Students experienced frustration when their work with clients did not run in the way they had planned.

3.   If we remain inveterate smokers, it is only because we have so often experienced the frustration that results from failure.

4.   Avery and Justice are two of the nine Braves who twice experienced the frustration of getting to the World Series, but falling short of the crown.

5.   But lately, Kodak has experienced growing frustration with what it sees as a lack of marketing acumen at many retailers.

6.   Control is important to him, because Burns has experienced the frustrations of not having it.

7.   Even at that, the nonspecialist unable to decipher the many musical examples may experience frustration at times.

8.   It is another disappointment for the Mets, an organization that has experienced frustration with other top draft picks.

9.   Neuheisel is experiencing the frustrations of expectations.

10.   One does not have to grow up amid the squalor of Gaza to experience similar frustrations.

v. + frustration >>共 262
express 27.03%
vent 9.89%
voice 3.85%
understand 3.59%
show 2.86%
reflect 2.32%
share 2.12%
take 1.66%
ease 1.39%
feel 1.33%
experience 1.06%
experience + n. >>共 1136
problem 7.00%
pain 4.31%
difficulty 3.26%
growth 2.51%
loss 1.57%
symptom 1.48%
delay 1.44%
discomfort 1.25%
trouble 1.14%
feeling 1.05%
frustration 0.36%
每页显示:    共 16