1.   Experience counts for a lot, Joe.

2.   But this is a car, not a cabana, and the driving experience counts, too.

3.   By my book, the driving experience counts a lot.

4.   Experience Counts?

5.   However, Ezralow is a rare newcomer in a carefully choreographed spectacle where experience definitely counts for a lot.

6.   In e-dating, experience counts.

7.   In May and June, experience counts.

8.   In the dugout, trying to match wits with the grandmasters, big-league experience counts.

9.   It was a sad time in her life, but the experience counted for something.

n. + count >>共 861
vote 4.03%
official 3.11%
company 2.42%
government 2.29%
investor 1.88%
game 1.60%
people 1.24%
score 1.01%
board 1.01%
worker 0.87%
experience 0.87%
experience + v. >>共 482
be 34.45%
show 4.90%
make 3.56%
help 3.27%
teach 2.95%
leave 2.60%
suggest 1.98%
give 1.98%
have 1.79%
lead 1.55%
count 0.51%
每页显示:    共 19