1.   He said developments are expected within a year which will not only enable severe astigmatism to be corrected but also long-sightedness.

2.   Will providers be expected to within existing contracts?

3.   Leeds City Council does not expect within its plan period nor does it expect within the period of the North Yorkshire alterations, commuting will disappear.

4.   The result of the inquiry is expected within the month.

5.   And the results are expected within a few weeks.

6.   A FORMAL statement on the breakdown of the marriage between the Prince and Princess of Wales is expected within weeks, it is claimed today.

7.   Although the House and the Senate are still haggling over the spending package, a formal vote is expected within the next two weeks.

8.   American officials said that the lawmakers were almost certain to approve the pact, and that the vote was expected within a few months.

9.   An agreement to sell the second, smaller business is expected within the next two weeks.

10.   An additional product, rumored to be a minivan, is expected within the next year or two.

v. + within >>共 790
stay 3.03%
expect 3.01%
die 2.64%
work 2.49%
complete 2.33%
hold 1.98%
live 1.92%
occur 1.78%
operate 1.67%
begin 1.61%
expect + p. >>共 68
in 32.57%
to 15.37%
for 6.57%
on 5.67%
until 5.34%
at 5.17%
of 4.99%
before 4.23%
within 3.21%
after 1.89%
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